
During the visit, the UCU Rotaractors donated 30 pregnancy kits, commonly known as *mama kits*, containing essential supplies for safe deliveries. In addition to the kits, they provided food donations, including 8 kilograms of rice, 10 kilograms of posho, and 1 kilogram of sugar, to help address the nutritional challenges often faced by pregnant women in the area.

Navigating the world of journalism and counselling psychology has not been a walk in the park but I believe that my journey of navigating between school and work has been rewarding and fulfilling.

The Mukono-based team stunned She Mak in the first round with Sarah Abonyo’s goal in the final minutes at UCU Grounds, sending the hosts into the drop zone. However, UCU will be without young midfielder Mercy Amoding, who sustained a knock. 

According to Martin Kajubi, the acting manager for the university writing center, it hopes to promote awareness through the writing week and also help students who have writing issues that cannot wait and maybe have been a little distanced from the writing center.

On January 24, farmers around Mukono went to the Uganda Christian University (UCU) main campus with samples of their crops that were affected by pests and diseases. On any other day, these farmers would not have been welcomed with these damaged crops. However, on this Wednesday, in a collaborative exercise,  UCU’s students of agriculture examined diseased crops to establish the different diseases while also offering some tried-and-tested solutions to the farmers. 

Uganda Christian University (UCU) hosted a delegation of 60 bishops from the Global South Fellowship of Anglican Bishops. The bishops, on a visit to the UCU Main Campus in Mukono, engaged with university management, led by Vice Chancellor Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi.